Sunday, March 22, 2009

Back in time

So I am having way too much fun with Photoshop, I have been editing old pictures and have been here for hours!! These are pictures my sister took of me and Dane when we were engaged, she did such a great job, I am going to post a few of them for fun! I had a great time editing them!

Congratulations Beth!

This is two of my very best friends! We've been through a lot together (as cliche as that sounds) but the best year of my life I owe to these guys! I have really learned a lot about lightening up, having fun, enjoying life, and getting my priorities straight from these two. I could go on and on about how great each one is, but I shall not! I'll get to the point! Beth (on the right) just got married! She made a beautiful bride and it was great to see how happy she was! I love her! Congrats Beth and Cody!


These are our friends Jen and Matt Smith with their adorable baby Kaiya! We went to the ISU men's basketball game, sat right under the basket where you could smell the sweat and see just how aggressive it really is! We had a great time!

Jazz game!

So for Valentine's day (i know I'm way behind) we went to the Jazz vs. Lakers game! It was so fun, we ate at PF Changs...yummmmmmm and then hit the game. It was great, especially cuz the Jazz won! haha